Tortle Earmuffs Test
December 11, 2018 — Tortle Earmuff Test conducted at Children's Hospital Los Angeles by Dr. Mena. Summary below provided by Judy Sherif, MNA, RN, CPN.
The testing was completed today on the muffs for the Transportle. Dr. Mena, the audiologist, used the Audioscan Verifit with probe microphone to conduct the testing. You can see the print-out of the results that were duplicated a number of times for statistical significance.

It appears that the muffs provide ±25dB reduction at certain sound levels. The top line is the dB reading at the ear without the muffs, the second line is with the muffs on so you can see the difference in reading. She felt it was significant and worth using to get this hearing protection in this population of patients.